Thursday, December 13, 2012

Oh, I Never Shall Forget the Day - Lee Robbins

Oh, I Never Shall Forget the Day - Lee Robbins Video Clips. Duration : 2.73 Mins.

Yours... With A Song "Sacred music has always been a part of my life... Some of my earliest memories are of hours my sister and I used to spend harmonizing on the old familiar Gospel songs. I suppose that love of Gospel music has had as much influence for good as anything else in my life." These are Lee Robbin's words but one would have guessed as much from listening to the album for first loves are hard to find. Lee has tremendous natural endowment to sing; a high voice, resonant, clear, beautiful. A voice that reveals the countless hours of practice that training demands and that only a genuine love for singing provides. He sings a variety of songs here, old hymns, new Gospel, songs with a modern touch. To each one he brings an understanding that makes one feel there must be something going on between Lee and the song--there's a secret they're sharing. Lee came to Nashville to record to avail himself to the matchless group of musicians, arrangers, singers and technicians that are the components of this sound. But in the studio, crowded with musicians, singers, instruments, and sound equipment Lee seemed to be alone with the song. Each arrangement, its rhythms, its intensity seems born out of the relationship that Lee and the song hold between them. Songs are like people, they well respond to love and each one is at it's best as Lee Robbins sings them for you. Recorded to digital audio from vinyl STEREO LPS 1824 Heart Warming Records, The Benson Company. Produced by RCA ...


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