Friday, December 14, 2012

Detecting Directed Energy Weapon Assaults.mpeg

Detecting Directed Energy Weapon Assaults.mpeg Tube. Duration : 4.28 Mins.

This video presents an inexpensive approach to detecting and recording directed energy weapon attacks using relatively inexpensive equipment. The modifications to the digital voice recorder depicted here required a basic understanding of circuitry and soldering techniques. The total cost of materials is under 200 dollars and depended primarily on the cost of the digital voice recorder. Be sure to buy a digital voice recorder that allows you to upload the recordings into your computer, and one that has two microphones if you choose to do the modifications. WARNING - this will not stop directed energy attacks, but will provide reasonably credible evidence that you and your voice recorder are being exposed to pulses of radio frequency radiation of sufficient strength to compromise the audio circuitry in the voice recorder. The following links were presented in the video: The following link provides an example of how digital voice recorders could be used to provide evidence of directed energy attacks:


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