Friday, December 14, 2012

Captured Osama Bin Laden Video 5

Captured Osama Bin Laden Video 5 Tube. Duration : 4.25 Mins.

RELEASED: US Government/DOD (No Audio) SR. INTEL OFFICIAL: Thank you all for coming in on a Saturday and especially on Mother's Day weekend. The operation on Sunday that resulted in the death of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was a culmination of years of intelligence collection and analysis focused on disrupting, dismantling, and defeating al Qaeda. The United States intelligence community salutes the assault team that courageously carried out a dangerous and imperative mission. In the wake of this major counterterrorism success, the intelligence community remains squarely focused on the safety of the American people. We will sustain intense pressure on al Qaeda and other terrorist groups. Al Qaeda is damaged by bin Laden's death, but the group remains dangerous. As a result of the raid, we've acquired the single largest collection of senior terrorist materials ever. We are currently reviewing materials retrieved from bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad. The materials have already provided us some important insights and we expect to learn more about al Qaeda and its affiliates, their plans and intentions, and any threats they currently pose. If potential threat information is discovered, the United States government will take all necessary measures to protect the American people. The collection of bin Laden compound materials is large and is proving valuable. It will take time, therefore, to perform a thorough review. But we are already disseminating intelligence across ...


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