Thursday, December 13, 2012

Radio Rookies: 2008 Brooklyn Workshop

Radio Rookies: 2008 Brooklyn Workshop Tube. Duration : 2.45 Mins.

The broadcast Radio Rookies Brooklyn workshop is being held in partnership with the High School for Global Citizenship (HSGC) in Crown Heights. HSGC strives to create a learning environment that encourages, Peace, Justice, Sustainability, Diversity, and Democratic Participation. This year is the schools first graduating class since its establishment in 2004. The Crown Heights rookies all attend HSGC and are from the Flatbush and Crown Heights neighborhoods. The Brooklyn workshop began in March meeting two to three times a week after school and on Saturday mornings at HSGC. During their first two months the Rookies learned about radio documentaries, how to use their recording equipment, interviewing techniques, basic digital audio editing and storytelling skill and how to develop their story ideas.


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