Wednesday, December 12, 2012

How to Mix a Track with a Proven Strategy

How to Mix a Track with a Proven Strategy Tube. Duration : 10.00 Mins. How to Mix a Track well with a Proven Strategy Hi, Mr Q'Tee here! I get deep in this video blog, trust me and I give you a taste of some crucial music production knowledge. I teach you about how to mix a track and a few vital tips about the craft. I've been mixing professional tracks that are radio ready for a decade, and this is my proven strategy. It's not an overnight strategy and takes practice. You can't learn how to mix a track off of a checklist, mixing is a craft! Within this video and article I also explain what it takes to be a fully rounded music producer and not just a beat programmer, believe me there is a BIG DIFFERENCE! This blog will not just improve your technical ability but will give you the right mindset to progress in the music business. This is an exclusive replay of a classic video of mine that my paying students have learnt from, and I'm sharing it with you for no cost at all! Make sure you subscribe to receive your info like this on a weekly. This may be a classic video but the information still applies today! I give timeless advice, and though I've been mixing professionally for 10 years, I have been learning how to mix a track for 5 years prior to that. Those FIVE years I would call my training day. Take on what I have to say and those 5 years could become less than 2! It depends on your MINDSET and how hard you're prepared to work. Some of my advice in this video may sound harsh but I don't beat around the bush! You ...


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