Sunday, January 6, 2013

Hertford Police Arrest at Public Sector Demo - 30/11/11

Hertford Police Arrest at Public Sector Demo - 30/11/11 Tube. Duration : 1.47 Mins.

This article & video post on You Tube is about my unlawful detention for filming this video, not any comment on the arrest of the unknown man in the film or the actions of the police in this clip. It's about my right & the rights of any UK citizen or Journalist to use Photography on the streets of our country without fear of Seizure, Detention or Arrest. That's arguably at the core of the nature of a working healthy democracy. Factually, in this video, the Police are merely conducting an arrest in Fore Street, Hertford during the public sector workers demo, and it's captured on my iPhone. Two of the officer's moments later then demand I provide my name and address for filming the incident, as it was evidence. Despite six officers attending as witness, including at least two officers with audio/video recording equipment strapped to their chests. As is my legal right, I politely declined as I wanted nothing to do with this matter, and I was then threatened with having my iPhone seized and was detained for 20 minutes having asked the Sergeant PS 822 (Subject of official complaint) in question to consult an inspector on the legalities of seizing my iPhone and my subsequent 20 detention. I waited patiently with the very hairy PC 971 (Subject of Official Complaint) whilst the sergeant consulted superiors. I was then told I was free to go but minus an apology for the detention & threatened seizure of my iPhone. I have now made an official complaint to the police Professional ...


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